Silvermoon's Fall Fall of Silvermoon

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March 26, 2024 25


Bring Arthas to the throne once he's got 3 moon crystals.


After you've collected the three moon crystals the next step becomes obvious Moving Arthas to the gate of the elf. Gates aren't able to WoW Classic SoD Gold lead to the island that the gate is situated which is why you'll have to utilize Zeppelins. It is possible to mount an attack on the guards guarding the gate but it's not needed as you can complete your mission by shifting Arthas into the power circle in the front of the gates. At this point, he's strong enough to get through the guards, however you are able to have an entourage accompany them if you'd like. Place him on the circle to complete the task.


5. Silvermoon's Fall Fall of Silvermoon


Arthas as well as Arthas and his World of Warcraft Season of Discovery forces have destroyed the second elfgate, and have reached the capital city of the high elves, Silvermoon. The sunwell, the main source of the mystical energy Arthas requires to revive Kel'Thuzad is just a few steps away. It is protected by a plethora of supernatural creatures, however and the elves aren't going to let it go without difficulty. To make things more challenging Sylvanas Windrunner remains behind the scenes, planning to stop the advancement of the World of Warcraft Season of Discovery.


Walk-Through Keep your eyes on the ball when the mission begins, as Sylvanas will strike your home before you've been able to cheap WoW Classic SoD Gold create any units. Sylvanas has risen from the last battle, as well, and will bring reinforcement troops with her, so take her off using the units that you've been given. 

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